Wednesday, October 19, 2011

A little scared to watch JackAss Three? First read the summary to see if you will enjoy it or not!

        JackAss 3 is group of guys who do a numerous of outrageos daredevil stunts.  They do things that i could not even imagine doing. The stunts that they do are not only torchering themselves but other people as well. Things as far as flinging themselves high in the air in a portal potty, to smacking around a giant beehive. They go to extremes that cause them to get injuries and sometimes close to death.
      This was the third movie in the series and in my opinion i do not think that it was as good as the other two. In the first two there seemed to be a lot more funny moments and in the third one they more things that were disturbing. I found at some parts i could not even look at the T.V. I also think that they tried to fit in a lot of parts that were ment to be in 3D, but for someone watching a T.V. without that, didn't make it so good. Although they did things thats were too disgusting for me to watch i still give them credit for doing what they do. The average person would not be able to do some of these things that these men do.

       I would give
this movie a 5
out of 10 for not
being very funny
Too Disgusting
 4 Me !!

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your opinion, this movie was disgusting and I did not laugh as much as I did with the previous two.
